Hong Kong is a South East Asian city state of 6 million people, which was under British administration for many years, until 1997 when the territory was reverted to China under a “one country, two systems” arrangement, leaving a high degree of autonomy to Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong government encourages free enterprise by adopting a policy of minimal intervention, as evidenced by low tax rates, a simple tax structure, flexible corporate legislation and absence of foreign exchange control.
The tax system is based on source and not residence, and as such Hong Kong is a unique location for incorporating companies and conducting international trade and business.
With its modern and sophisticated business facilities and environment Hong Kong is ideally located to engaged in trade and commerce with the Asian continent offering the very best in communication, airline and shipping facilities and professional services.
Hong Kong has a very able and qualified work force with skill and experience in a wide range of commercial activities which enables firms from all sectors of business to successfully operate in and from that jurisdiction.
The Hong Kong office of Intershore is located at Unit D, 20/F., Cos Centre, 56 Tsun Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong and provides to its clients all the best that Hong Kong can offer in terms of company incorporation and management, financial services, tax planning, and bank account opening and operation facilities.